Cenon CAM - Camera+Targeting
Ammerbuch, 2009-06-29
Cenon's automatic recognition of workpieces with a camera is high on demand. The latest feature for Cenon CAM has been introduced to the market in spring 2009 and is already surpassing the expectations. |
This brand new feature of the manufacturing software Cenon is able to optimize the manufacturing of large lots in a spectacular way: Place the parts roughly on the machine table, turn on the vacuum, move a marker into the camera view - and Camera+Targeting is doing the rest. Now press Start and the machining fits perfectly. Blindingly easy handling via three buttons.
Sign Making
In the field of sign making large-scale prints need to be cut in shape. The problem with this is that the prints show large imprecisions that are adding up with growing size. Great flexibility is demanded when cutting these prints.
Cenon's Camera+Targeting scans reference markers on the print and transforms the cutting paths to fit the print. No matter whether rotated or streched, the cutting paths will be transformed to fit.
The industrial setting has similar demands for manufacturing front-panels, membrane-keyboards, or plastic solar-panels, for example. Front-panels are usually screen-printed and in a second step have to be cut and drilled. Membrane-keyboards have to be cut into their final shape after several steps of printing and laminating. Challenge in both examples is to recognize the position and rotation of the workpiece so that the machining fits. This has to work fast and in batch production.
To achieve this, several printed markings are recognized with the help of the camera, then the output is being positioned and rotated to fit.
Camera+Targeting for Cenon is available with and without camera. The choices include a waterproof pen-camera with 9-22 mm zoom, or a industrial camera with changeable optics. A video-grabber to connect a camera to the computer is always included.
For more information on Camera+Targeting visit the Cenon CAM web site at www.Cenon.com.

Example membrane keyboard (left), Example Sign making (center), Example of front panels (right).

Left: Document with a preview of the recognized markings (green) and the transformed cutting paths (bold).
Right: The Camera-Panel with a recognized marking in view.
List of Images:
Camera [12KB]
Mounted industrial Camera [428KB]
Keyboard Example [80KB]
Camera + yellow Signs[124KB]
Frontpanel Example [112KB]
Cenon Camera-Document [404KB]
Cenon Camera-Panel [208KB]